How to modify Q number | XM Community
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I am trying to rename the survey question number from what was originally given to a different number for organization purpose and to use after exporting to csv file.
For instance, I would to rename Q15 to Q1, Q16 to Q2 and Q9 to Q1.
Is it possible?

Hi JustinD,
Yes, just simply click the number in the survey edit mode and it will change to a small edit box, where you can change the number.

Oh. Thank you. Maybe I was overthinking. :)

Alternately, if you are simpy trying to number them in sequencially, use Tools Auto number questions

For some reason, I'm finding that after changing the name of a question and publishing the survey, the data exported still comes through with the name of the question prior to renaming. When I view the responses, the question name is correct.
Am I missing something about how this should work?
FYI, the question is a textbox type so there are no recode values.

Hi everman ,
If you haven't already, click "Edit Question Label" and check what that shows. In my experience the Question Label will usually show the original question wording and has to be updated manually if a chance is made to the question text.

Hi Matt,
So, that did not seem to work... Let me try and explain. Below is sort of what my question looks like:
[ ] NewName (was Qxx)
Here is the question text...
[ this is the textbox]
Here is the Edit Question Label
When I clicked on Edit Question Label, it showed me the "Here is the question text...". I changed that to NewName. Now, I see this...
[ ] NewName | NewName (grey)
Here is the question text...
[ this is the textbox]
I checked the survey and it looks okay. The submitted responses look okay too. However, my export is still showing me Qxx. I purposefully, rename the questions so my exported XML is legible. I then suck it into MSSQL and use a mapping table to process it into a relational table. Works great, but this column isn't changing in the export. Arrrgh.

That's frustrating. Sorry, I'm not sure what's happening. If you're changing the Question ID number, that change should come through when you download the data. You might reach out to Qualtrics Support and see if they can dig into it.

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