How to organize the same survey into 2 respondent groups? | XM Community
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I want to send a single survey (utilizing the same questions/items) to two separate teams, while maintaining one overall report. How do I arrange the survey flow/view the results so that they are organized by group? Can I see, for example, this is Group A's responses to the survey and this is Group B's responses?
The easiest way to do that would be to create an attribute which indicates "Group A" or "Group B" as part of your contact list. Then, create embedded data in your survey flow which captures the value of that field from your contact list. From the Survey Flow screen, add a new element, then "Create a New Field or Choose From Dropdown..." > Add From Contacts. Select the contact list you're using and the wizard will walk you through adding those fields. This will pull in all of the embedded data attributes from your contact list and will allow you to segment results based on those field values.

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