How to record and display the order in which the randomizer has presented randomized blocks? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

participants in our study have to answer questions in 15 randomized blocks. Afterwards, we want to give them a table, summarizing their performance in each block.

Is it possible to record the order in which they saw the different blocks during the survey and subsequently use the same order in the summarizing table?

On the Data and analysis tab when you go to export, select "more options". Select the box that allows you to download the order:


If that doesn't work the way you need it to, you can always use embedded data to capture the order, too.
Thank you!

Really useful feature.

However, we want to embed the summary table in the same survey as the question blocks, so i need a way to record the order during the randomization, and then display each block-result in that specific order.

So currently it looks like this:


And i would like this order to match the order in which the participant saw the respective question. If possible. I haven't really figured out how to do that with Embedded Data.
Ohhh I see. My apologies, perhaps I am under-caffeinated this morning 🙂

What if you hide the embedded data for the optimal on the block itself? So create a question that pipes in the optimal score but then use display logic to hide it (e.g. set rules so that it will never display). Then using the survey flow, set your embedded data to Displayed_Block_1_Score=XX, Displayed_Block_1_Optimal=QUESTIONTEXT.

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