How to screen out respondents that have a BMI that does not qualify? | XM Community
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Screener block has 3 questions.

How tall are you in feet? (respondent selects from drop-down 4-7)

Inches (respondent selects from drop down 0-11)

How much do you weigh (text box)

I have attached the questions, survey flow and data analysis formula.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The formula in your survey flow is formatted incorrectly. It should be:


$e{ q://QID72/ChoiceTextEntryValue / ( ( ( q://QID2/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices * 12 ) + q://QID4/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices ) ^ 2 ) * 703 }


You don't really need the BMI > 25 branch in your survey flow. Everyone with BMI <= 25 will already be screened out.

Thank you!!! You made my day! It is difficult to know when to leave "{" out and when to include spaces.

I also want to screen out respondents that have a BMI of <= 25.

Somehow it doesn't work, if I use the preview I always continue the survey whether my answers end up in BMI <= 25 or not. So none of the responses are screened out.

The height and weight items are: Text entry single-line (content validation -number)

I have attached the questions, survey flow and data analysis formula.

I would be grateful for any help!

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