How to see the sum of a participant's scores to a psychometric test (including reversed scores) | XM Community
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Hi all,
I am new to Qualtrics but have spent quite a bit of time watching tutorials and searching this site to try and find an answer to my question. If anyone can help answer this for me it will be hugely appreciated.
I have put together a survey that includes 4 psychometric tests. 2 of these tests use reverse scores on some of the statements. I have set these up using the scoring function and by creating categories for each of the psychometric tests I've used. The tutorial I have been watching shows that having set up a category for each test and recoded the values using the scoring function, you get an extra column in your data when you download to excel which shows the sum score for that test (and that sum has taken account of the fact that some of the questions are reversed scored).
As far as I can tell I have followed all the steps exactly as described but when I download my data I don't get any of the 'sum' columns. I see how each individual item in each questionnaire was scored (but this doesn't take into account any reverse scoring) but there is no column presenting the sum for each questionnaire.
Can anyone please show me how to get the 'sum' score columns into my data please?
I will be very grateful!
Many thanks,

Hi JoelOwen! It looks like you were able to reach out to our Support team via chat and they walked you through your scoring setup! For anyone else experiencing any issues or looking to setup something similar, be sure to check out this page on Scoring and Scoring Categories. As always, feel free to reach out to our wonderful Support team if you have any additional questions!

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