How to separately pipe multiple answers selected in a multiple-choice question? | XM Community
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I had participants to choose from the list three topics to talk about. Then I want to pipe the selected topics separately into the following questions.

The basic question-pipe function only allows pipe in three selected answers altogether. I tried loop & merge, and it seems it only pipes in the first selected answer.

Any suggestions are appreciated!


Hello @Dani

Loop and merge will solve your problem. Do select "Selected Choices" in the loop and merge settings Second drop down after question selection.
Hello @Shashi,

Thanks for your help! I only see "Selected Choices" in the loop and merge setting but couldn't find "Second drop down". Is there another setting menu of loop and merge somewhere? Thank you!

> @Dani said:

> Hello @Shashi,


> Thanks for your help! I only see "Selected Choices" in the loop and merge setting but couldn't find "Second drop down". Is there another setting menu of loop and merge somewhere? Thank you!

The settings are correct, if you are missing something then check here

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