How to set up display logic based on a pick, group, and rank question? | XM Community
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Hi folks, I can't seem to find a previous question that exactly addresses what I'm trying to do. I have a pick, group, and rank question where respondents will group 20+ items into 5 categories: love, like, neutral, dislike, and hate.
I'd like to ask a followup question that is only asked to respondents who placed at least two items into "love" and "like". E.g., the followup should be asked in all these situations:
-If you said "love" to at least two items
-You "love" one and "like" another
-If you "love" none but "like" at least two

However, I don't see an option to set up display logic for the following question based on the count in each category. Am I missing something? Is there another way to do this?

Hi Dan_314159! Current functionality for a Pick, Group & Rank question does not allow display logic based on group count. Instead, we recommend using a Matrix Table question, as this will allow you to use display logic according to a column count. If you need any help setting this up, we recommend reaching out to our wonderful Support team!

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