How to shade a matrix table within a cutom themed survey? | XM Community
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I have two very long matrix tables within my survey, and would like to alternatively shade each item in the matrix table to make it a little more readable.

I went into "Look & Feel" to edit this, but it appears that I can't because of my company's custom theme.

Is there a way around this?
Hello @Taylor ,

Paste the following code in the js(onLoad) of the matrix question

`jQuery("tr.ReadableAlt").css({"background-color":" lightgray"});`
Thanks @Shashi , that worked perfectly!
> @Taylor said:

> Thanks @Shashi , that worked perfectly!

You can also use following code in js(onLoad)


jQuery(" td:odd", this).css({"background-color":" lightgray"});


jQuery("tr.Answers th:odd").css({"background-color":" lightgray"});

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