How to show a list of respondents to a particular question instead of counts? | XM Community
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I am trying to create a visualization in a survey report and could use some help.

I asked if respondents have expertise in a particular area and provide them with a multi-choice list of specialities (e.g. Character Design, Concepting, Animation, etc.) . In my report, I would like to show a visualization similar to a Simple Table with a list of specialties on the right and then--here's the tricky part--the list of respondents who said they had experitise in that area. So, something like:

Character Design ... Stan, Sally, Steve, Sue

Concepting ... Stan

Animation ... Sally, Sue

I can, of course, dump to Excel and generate a table, but it would be nice to keep this report visualization in with the rest of my survey all within Qualtrics.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
Hi @ProfStringer a few ideas:

1. I'm assuming you have names saved as embedded data. You can create a visualization using that as your data source, and then apply your question as the breakout. The visualization type you want is the Paginated Table. I think this will give you what you're looking for. You may need to create a custom page to see this option, as the default report automatically assigns a data source to each page.

2. You may be able to make something work better in advanced reporting (the "Reports" tab next to the "Results" tab). It's a little more flexible.

3. As a last resort, you could always create the table in Excel and then add it to your report as a picture. It wouldn't automatically update, but you could add a time stamp.
@ClairJ Thank you! #1 worked!

I actually tried breaking out from the original question, but the names weren't available as a selection so I stopped going down that road.

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