How to show respondent aggregated feedback based on individual responses | XM Community
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How to show respondent aggregated feedback based on individual responses

  • 12 August 2019
  • 1 reply

I'm trying to (if possible) build a survey that will give users aggregate feedback at the end of their survey based on their responses to individual questions.

For example:

I will have 20 questions. Each question has specific feedback (via pdf) I would like to show the respondent based on their response. I would prefer, however, to show them a single report at the end of the survey with their responses and the associated pdf available for them to download - like so:

1. Our company spends dedicated time on marketing.

-response: 2 ("somewhat")

2. Our company has a specific budget for marketing.

-response: 1 ("no")

... etc.


After they finish the survey, it would generate a report for the user that looks like the following:

1.) Because you answered that your company "somewhat" spends time on marketing, here is a resource to help you learn why spending time on marketing is a good idea: _insert marketing_time.pdf link here_

2.) Because you answered that your company has no specific budget for marketing, here is a resource for you: _insert marketing_budget.pdf link here_

Is this possible to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I haven't tried this, but I wonder if you could use their answers to populate another survey (here's a post on how to do that: and then use logic to show the PDF/link that should go with each answer. You could route them to this pre-populated survey using a redirect link once they click submit on the first survey. All of the PDFs would have to be uploaded as files into your library in order to set this up. However, it seems like it could potentially be a lot of work depending on how many questions and PDFs would be involved.

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