How to terminate a survey if a particular category of answers are not selected? | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Community,
I have a multiple choice screener question, where there are two categories of answers. I have assigned two groups to these answer choices: Brand 1 and Brand 2.
I am interested in Brand 1. If survey respondents did not select even a single answer choice from the group Brand 1, I want them to go to end of survey. However, if they selected even a single answer choice from Brand 1, they continue in the survey.
How do I do that?
Any help will be highly appreciated.

To keep going, you need a simple "or" expression in the logic:
If Q1 =Brand 1.a OR Q2= Brand1.b OR Q3=Brand1.c
THEN move to the right block
You might not even need that, however. You might only need to branch them out if they do not qualify. To do that, simply build the assessment logic as such:
If Q1 does not equal 1.a AND if Q2 does not equal 1.b AND Q3 does not equal 1.c
Then End of survey.

ank, Kate is right. You can achieve this through the Survey Flow using branching logic and end of survey elements. This is a great resource page if you need to see how that actually works:
And this page is helpful for seeing branching logic examples:

Thank you @Kate and @bstrahin. It worked perferctly.

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