How to test Embedded data questions | XM Community
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I set up display logic for answer choices in a question based on embed data (for ex show only these options if embedded data countryID=UK). Now to test I don't see any options. Is there a way to test this in the UI "preview" mode by putting in dummy embed data or do I have to now generate the links with embedded data and test that way only? I'd like to first see the logic makes sense (if possible) and then actually test the entire survey with a limited number of users / dummy URLs.
I think your best approach is to load your Contact into Qualtrics with these embedded data as extra variables in the contact list. Then

1. Go to Distribution

2. Distribute Survey

3. Generate a trackable link for each contact

4. Identify someone in your list whose embedded data matches the conditions you want to test and click through their link to test

You can then clear out the data from the Data and Analysis tab as often as you need to and should be able to reuse their link for repeated testing.

Alternatively if you don't want to use your actual contact list. Create a dummy contact list that has the conditions you want to test and go through the same process to get links that have the embedded data values you want to test.
Late to the party, but this came up while I was googling the following information:

There is an easier way to do this utilizing query strings so you can use dummy data. Qualtrics documentation here:

Basically, take your preview link and add a query string to the end. In your case, just add [URL HERE]&countryID=UK

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