How to use external data in question text, randomise it and reuse it. | XM Community
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As a Qualtics novice with a deadline, I'm hoping this might be a simple problem (although searching support, community and Google doesn't seem to have helped);

1. I'm trying to pull in a list of external names (can do this from a file, or a string of data), and display one of these names randomly in the question text.

2. I then need to display that same name in further questions.

Any help would be much appreciated.
What I would do for this is create a randomizer in your survey flow. At the beginning, declare an EmbeddedData field. For this example, we'll call it RandName

Then, under the randomizer, nest a branch for each of your names. Use your logic block to say something that is always true (like Question 1 is displayed) and under it, set the embedded data to a name.

For example, if Q1 is displayed, then RandName = Joe Smith.

Use the embedded data field RandName as Piped Text wherever you want the random name to appear.

Good luck and holler if you need more help!
Thank you JenCX! Finally hoping to try this out today.

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