How to use "randomizer" of Survey Flow as piped text? | XM Community
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Dear all

I have 4 blocks in my survey that I randomized (all 4 pages being represented to each participant). Now I would like to inform the participant, on which site of the four he/she is.

I thought of using the Randomizer of the Survey Flow (only used "randomize" and show all four blocks) as this literally is the reference I need. But it is not possible to implement it in the Block as embedded data.

- How do I implement this Randomization number as piped Text?

- Is this otherwise possible with pages? (If yes, how?)
Sorry, I am not sure if there is an easy way to achieve this however, i believe this can be done through JavaScript and 4 embedded data

- We have to create 4 embedded data (Ed1, Ed2, Ed3, Ed4) and it should be before the randomizer element

- In First question of every block (under onReady section) we will have to check the value for each of the embedded data:

- So, let say at first question of the first block

- I will check:

if Ed2 ==0 && Ed3 ==0 && Ed4 == 0 then Ed1 = 1

if ( Ed2 ==1 && Ed3 ==0 && Ed4 == 0 ) || (Ed2 ==0 && Ed3 ==1 && Ed4 == 0) || (Ed2 ==0 && Ed3 ==0 && Ed4 == 1) then Ed1 = 2

if ( Ed2 ==0 && Ed3 ==1 && Ed4 == 2 ) || (Ed2 ==1 && Ed3 ==2 && Ed4 == 0) || (Ed2 ==1 && Ed3 ==0 && Ed4 == 2) || ( Ed2 ==0 && Ed3 ==2 && Ed4 == 1 ) || (Ed2 ==2 && Ed3 ==1 && Ed4 == 0) || (Ed2 ==2 && Ed3 ==0 && Ed4 == 1) then Ed1 = 3

if ( Ed2 ==1 && Ed3 ==2 && Ed4 == 3 ) || (Ed2 ==1 && Ed3 ==3 && Ed4 == 2) || (Ed2 ==2 && Ed3 ==1 && Ed4 == 3) || ( Ed2 ==2 && Ed3 ==3 && Ed4 == 1 ) || (Ed2 ==3 && Ed3 ==1 && Ed4 == 2) || (Ed2 ==3 && Ed3 ==2 && Ed4 == 1) then Ed1 = 4

Then copy the same code in the first question (onReady section) of the second block and change the embedded data assignment likewise for the other 2 blocks.

Piped-text the embedded data value in the first question of the corresponding block.
Hello @Algerlac ,

Add embedded data before randomizer and initialize it:


Then add following code in first page of each block:


You can do it like this:

@TomG thank you for this smart logic!

Because of another problem I have (here ), I now need to take the number from a question in a block. Do you have an Idea how I could do this, too?

It is all a little tricky as I still have fround no feasible way to randomize my items, so right now I have them on four blocks..

Thank you in advance

> @Algerlac said:

> @TomG thank you for this smart logic!


> Because of another problem I have (here ), I now need to take the number from a question in a block. Do you have an Idea how I could do this, too?

Alina - Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "take the number from a question in a block."
@TomG Sorry for misleading.

I have two problems that are interwoven. 1) the issue here, to take a "page count" into a randomized block.

2) problem is, that those 4 blocks I am referring to here, contain 89 items (22, 22, 22, and 23 items per page). These items are from one validated scale and should be fully randomized (problem discussion here).

If I take your suggestion for the blocks, I cannot randomize the scale fully, because to date it is not possible to fully randomize my scale when the questions are in different blocks. They would have to be in the same block.

What I could do, is to work with _one block,_ and _4 pages_, where I then would work with display logic and carry forward.

For the latter, my question now here addressed on this option, where I then would have only one block and could not work with the survey flow logic you presented. Therefore my question was, whether I could implement the *page count" from one of my questions presented on one block.

I hope this is more clear now!

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