How to use retake and replace links without creating a new ResponseID | XM Community
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I have several surveys that are used as scholarship applications, and in the application the students list 2 different people to provide recommendation letters.

I have set up 3 separate blocks for:

1. the student to enter their info and complete the initial application

2. The first recommender to upload their letter

3. The second recommender to upload their letter

I have set up the survey flow so that the student never sees the recommendation upload part, but when they finish an email is triggered to the recommenders with a retake and replace link. When one recommender clicks the link and uploads a document their file is added to the student record, but it ends up changing the ResponseID. Now the retake link that the second recommender received won't connect to the student's original response because the ResponseID embedded in their link URL no longer matches.

Is there a way to retake and replace, but still keep the original Response ID? Retake as new will keep the same responseID, but since it generates a new record the original student data and the recommender data are not in the same data record.
Unfortunately, I think you are out of luck because there isn't a way to keep the same ResponseID with retake and replace. You'll have to figure out an alternative process.

Maybe a separate survey for uploading letters with a parameter for the original ResponseID would work better.
Actually the separate survey solution is what I have used in the past, and it works OK--I embed the ResponseID from the original student submission into the URL the recommenders get to the second survey and add it as embedded data in the survey flow so I can have unique IDs to match the student section to the recommendations.

However, I was really hoping to get all 3 parts in one place so I could instantly share all the relevant info with the selection committee in one place.

(I don't want to force the committee to look in 3 places for each student because it increases chances of mixing up student info. So the current solution is that I have to repackage everything first. Doable, I just wanted to make it faster.)
Hi @markmeadows

As far as i know every time a survey is took a new response ID is created , Now in this case as you are using the retake link (which contains the responseID) you can do a compromise that first you send the retake link to one of the recommender after the confirmation of first trigger send an email with the updated retake link to the second recommender. This might be the only way to keep them at single place or else as @TomG recommended you can keep separate survey
Hi @markmeadows,

Maybe this is an idea:

Store all answers in Embedded Data Fields. Then set a contact list trigger and store all Embedded Data Fields into a contactlist. Also create a random number and link this to the field External Data Ref in the correspondenting Contact Field.

Also set an emailtrigger and send the respondent an email containing a retakelink including a unique external data ref.

Upon opening the survey by using the link you can validate on the external ref. If the respondent makes changes in the survey the changes are written to the contact list.

At the end you can analyse on data stored in the contactlist.

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