How to use the randomizer to separate participants into 2 groups before & after a specific question? | XM Community
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Hi everyone, I am trying to set up a design where participants answer a few basic scale questions and then are randomly assigned to one of two conditions. I was able to use the randomizer for this part, but I want to add in the second layer of my 2x2 factorial design by having some of the participants answer a question BEFORE they receive their condition, and some AFTER they receive their condition. Is there a way to do this? Here's what I have so far... (sorry terrible at explaining this) Thanks in advance!!
Are you hoping to randomly ask this question before or after the enitre group of questions, or only after a subset of the questions in each group?
Thanks for getting back to me AnthonyR. I'm hoping to randomly ask this question only after a specific subset of questions (the treatment). So some will receive the question before the treatment, and some will receive the question after the treatment. Hopefully that clarifies?
> @JNM27 said:

> Thanks for getting back to me AnthonyR. I'm hoping to randomly ask this question only after a specific subset of questions (the treatment). So some will receive the question before the treatment, and some will receive the question after the treatment. Hopefully that clarifies?

Add a randomizer within your existing group and have two groups under that randomizer. Within each of those new groups, put the blocks in the order you want the questions seen. This means you will duplicate your blocks and have the same set of blocks in each group, but in a different order.
Thanks for your response TomG. Still a little lost... do you mean to add another randomizer before the randomizer I have in place? Thanks in advance
> @JNM27 said:

> Thanks for your response TomG. Still a little lost... do you mean to add another randomizer before the randomizer I have in place? Thanks in advance

No, inside your group. Something like this:

Thanks for your help TomG! Much appreciated

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