I have a question on my survey that is multiple choice with the allowance to choose multiple options | XM Community
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I have a question on my survey that is multiple choice with the allowance to choose multiple options. I need to be able to end the survey if the participant chooses one specific option but continue the survey if someone chooses that same option along with any of the other options. How do I do this?
Since Skip logic won't allow you to nest conditions, I would instead use branch logic in the survey flow and just have the branch that meets the condition terminate.
@Willow Did you have additional questions on how to do this? I see that it's popping back up into unanswered questions.
Hi I am just struggling to follow branch logic and how to set it up.
I am trying to edit a survey that was already made and think I need to clear all the branch logic to understand it. Is there a way to do that?
This is pretty straight forward. In my example, Q5 is a multiple choice question with 5 options. If they select Choice 1 and NOT OTHER choices, they are branched to an End of Survey Block.

The way to read this programming as a logic statement is "IF Choice 1 of Question 5 is selected AND IF none of the other choices (2/3/4/5) is selected THEN branch to End of Survey Block".

The important pieces to make the logic work are highlighted.


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