I want a specific 'routing' in my survey, but I don't know how to do it. | XM Community
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Hi, I'm a student and I'm working on my bachelor thesis.

I've got a survey with 6 question blocks. But for my experiment I need 20% of my participants to only get the first and the fifth block. The other participants should get all the question blocks. If I use randomizer for this the two question blocks (and the survey's ending) are shown in a random order, and that's not what I want. The participants (20% of them) need to see question block 1 first, then question block 5, and then they're done with the survey.

Who can help me?
Hi Svandenbroek,

Normally I'd use a randomizer with separate branches to create two separate paths through the survey, but since you want 20% to go through the 1+5 block path and 80% to go through the 1+2+3+4+5 block path, I think you're going to need embedded data and quotas to get this done. I've broken it down with screenshots below, but let me know if you have further questions.

1 - Set up your randomizer, the branches to force only 1 of the paths to be selected, and the embedded data for the different paths.


2 - Set up your quotas for the two paths.


3 - Update the path branches you set up earlier so the quotas are referenced since you don't want people to keep going down a path if the quota is filled.


4 - Set up 2 branches, one which takes them through the 20% path, and one for the 80% path.

https://uploads-us-west-2.insided.com/qualtrics-us/attachment/x6_ssj3ukxbvy3t.png - Path 1

https://uploads-us-west-2.insided.com/qualtrics-us/attachment/66_1cc2n2ed3aze.png - Path 2

5 - You'll also want to set up a branch for when your quotas are filled so you don't collect extra responses.


Hope that helps!

Elliot V.W.
Thank you very much!! But can you tell me how to set the quota? I couldn't find that option. Sorry I'm very new to this.. And I don't know for sure if I did it all correct.. So I've added a screenshot of my survey flow, could you check?


Hi Svandenbroek,

Looks good! I would still run through it in preview mode a few times to make sure it presents correctly. If you also have a randomizer and branches set up to set the path variable then you should be good to go.

Quotas can be set up under the tools menu at the top of the screen - https://uploads-us-west-2.insided.com/qualtrics-us/attachment/an_6ay9ycjykfk3.png


Elliot V.W.

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