If the same survey is sent to multiple teams, how to know that the respondent belongs to which team | XM Community
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I have a list of employee email IDs. All are belonging to different teams. I wish to know that a respondent belongs to a particular team or like all these respondents are a part of one team and likewise. So, how to capture that though the same survey is answered by everyone, can I record their responses team wise.

Please help
You can add embedded data team name from your contact list.
Can you please share the link, how to go about it?

Thank you
This shows how to add embedded data to a contact list. Further up the page shows how in use the embedded data in the survey.

Hi @Amita_1210

It depends how you planning to distribute the survey. If you already know their email id then the best approach would be "email distribution".


For email distribution, you will have to create a contact list:


In this contact list, you can have an embedded data ("additional field") name it as "Team" and for each employee provide the team name.

Then, in survey flow, you will have to add an embedded data "Team" (do not set any value to it) since once you distribute the survey the value gets automatically fetch from the contact list (to whom you have distributed the survey)

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