If, then Randomization | XM Community
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I am conducting a survey in which I have two blocks of 50 stimuli (pic) that are exactly the same but underneath the image there is text (i.e. the age) that is different. I need to randomize the stimuli so that all of the participants will see all 50 stimuli (not 100), but will not see a repeated stimuli (i.e. the same stimuli). Is there any mechanism on Qualtrics that allows me to program an if then statement (e.g. if participant sees stimuli 1a (which is in one block) they will not receive stimuli 1a-2(which is in the second block), because then they would be rating the same picture, which is not what I want?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!
Hi @Amanda,

if possible you can put 50 stimuli in one block and another 50 stimuli in another block. Then use Randomizer to select one block out of 2.

Please check this documentation for more information on randomizer:

Yes, I see what you're saying and I think I got it!

Thank you!
Hello @Amanda ,

You can use display logic for an individual stimuli in second block so that only those stimuli will appear which are not shown in previous block.

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