Imported contacts list not showing all fields | XM Community
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I have a .csv file with 4 fields that I am trying to import into a contacts list. The fields are FirstName, LastName, Email, and Email2. When I browse and select the file, I can see the email2 field under "Verify Fields", but when I Add Contacts, only the first 3 fields are in the contact list. How can I import all 4 of these fields into a contact list?

Thank you,

Couple of thoughts:

Change field Email2 to AltEmail (or something else).

Try creating a dummy entry manually with the fields you want to populate. Then import your CSV. You can delete the dummy entry afterwards.

I changed the name of the field to AltEmail and tried the import again, but the field still doesn't show up in my contact list. However, when I opened a record and selected EDIT, I got the below screen shot. At the bottom it says "add embedded data for this contact in the bow below" and the AltEmail address is listed under "Add Embedded Data".

How do I handle this?


thank you,


I might have misunderstood your intent. Do you want to send emails to both in a distribution? If so, you can only access one email per contact. If you wanted to send a survey link to both emails, the participant would then be able to take two surveys.

The way it is in the example you provided, you can access and reference the AltEmail embedded data using: e://Field/AltEmail in your survey.

What is your goal with the two emails?
Ok, thank you for the information. I will run it by my customer and see how he wants to proceed.
How do I add AltEmail embedded data e://Field/AltEmail? I have not done this yet.
'AltEmail' is the name of the embedded value. You do not have to use 'AltEmail' as the name, just make certain tha tyou do not use a reserved name.

Within your survey you access the embedded data using 'e:://Field/AltEmail'. For example, if you want to provide a spot for the user to enter an alternate email address into a text question, you would set the default value for that question's response to '${e://Field/AltEmail}' (without the quotes). This way the response would be pre-filled in if the user had already provided an alternate email and empty if the embedded value was empty.

To add an embedded field to your contact list, make a column in your CSV file with the name of the embedded field you want. You can also extract the information from completed surveys to update your contact list (i.e., if the user has a new alternate email or adds one where it was not before).

The thing to do is to create a small survey to test it. Think of it as a sandbox where you can play and do not care if you goof up. When you get it working the way you want, put it into your real survey.

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