In a Matrix Table how do I validate the Total against a previous question | XM Community
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I have two questions:
Question 1 - Text Entry - How many XX do you have?
Question 2 - Matrix Table (Constant Sum with Total) - How many XX do you have for each category below?
The Matrix Table displays a running Total row

I want to check that the Total at Question 2 matches the answer at Question 1.

In Q2 custom validation:
Red = {piped answer from Q1} - {piped answer for yellow} - {piped answer for green}

MikeW you can use the built in "Must Total" validation and pipe in the value from your first question. I used pipe text in the second question's wording to get the code I needed and then copy and pasted that code into the menu where it says Choices Must Total and it worked well for me. For question 1, make sure you validate that they are entering a number in the text box and force a response to that question to avoid issues.


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