In the Summary page of the survey responses answered, can I change the word of "Next" to "Submit"? | XM Community
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Or does the word "Submit" will only appear in the Live Link? Please advise.
If you are trying to change the text on the Next button, and it is at the end of a block, click on the Block Options down arrow at the upper right corner of the block, and choose "Next/Previous Button Text".

You can change the text on all of them in your survey via the "Look and Feel" options.
Click on block options and change button next.
If multiple question in block use below code in link
For a Multi-Language survey, you will have to create a message in message library and access it by clicking on the blue drop-down

Here is the documentation on the message library:
Hi everyone, thank you for your comments and suggestions. All of them are greatly appreciated. However, my current problem is in the Summary page instead of the questions in a block. The Summary page will consists of all the answered responses. This is where I need to change the word "Next" to "Submit". Hope it explains and I appreciates your feedback on this. Thank you.
Hello @TohS ,

Paste the following code in the "Look and feel"->"Advanced" ->"Header"(edit)-> "Source"(<>)




if (jQuery("div").hasClass("ResponseSummary")){



Hi @Shashi Thank you for your guidance and it works well now. Appreciates it.
Hi everyone,

Previously, I have added in the code below to change the word "Next" to "Submit" in the Summary page as guided by Shashi.

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() { if (jQuery("div").hasClass("ResponseSummary")){ jQuery("#NextButton").attr({value:"Submit",title:"Submit"});} });

Can I remove the word "Next" in the Summary page, where it will only have the word "Submit" appeared in the Summary page?

Thank you and I am looking forward for your advice.

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