Individually timed email messages? | XM Community
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Is there a way to send automated, individually timed email messages in Qualtrics? Though the option to schedule emails for future delivery exists, it is only seems to be available for emailing the entire participant cohort at once, not allowing for the possibility of different participants joining the study at different times (needed for studies with rolling enrollment). Thanks in advance for any help!
@Newbs ,

Use this api in web service in survey flow and customize SendDate and recipient individually.
thanks @RKT , can I use this to set a rule around SendDate i.e. 2 months after date of first survey completed?

Just realised I posted this message in wrong place (under networking and jobs) - I'm new to all this!
> @Newbs said:

> thanks @RKT , can I use this to set a rule around SendDate i.e. 2 months after date of first survey completed?


> Just realised I posted this message in wrong place (under networking and jobs) - I'm new to all this!

In the SendDate pipe in the following date for 2 months(60 days)


In the above code the number after '+' specifies the nth day from current
thanks so much @Sashi I'll try that. Why 60%20 in the code?

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