Inserting Email Link to Survey (Error) | XM Community
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I want to insert an email link to the survey. It works and appear correctly on the "test" version, but doesn't show at all on the live version of the survey.
I've never run into this, but a work around might be to do a mail merge through another system. You can still connect a contact list to the survey in Qualtrics and keep track of completion through individual links. It's not as nice as the distribute survey option inside of Qualtrics with scheduling reminders and thank yous but if you are in a crunch could be a work-around.

1. Navigate to Distributions for your project

2. Choose the option "Personal Links"

3. Click the button to "Generate Links"

4. Follow the interface to connect it to a Contact list

5. This will then download a file that can be opened in Excel

The links are tracked. You may have to pop back and fourth between tabs to see the list show up under Personal Links. When it comes time to send reminders you just have to go back to Personal Links in the Distribution view and click on the wheel and choose download links. This exports the entire contact list but has a variable "Status" that you can use to exclude those who "Finished Survey."

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