Is it a best practice to ask the NPS question in-line and record partial complete? | XM Community
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I'm piloting asking the NPS question in-line and recording partial completes. The majority of my respondents click on an NPS answer choice then drop out. I'm not sure if I should record these surveys as a valid complete because I'm not sure if the user put any thought into their answer or if they just clicked randomly to see where it would take them. I would appreciate any opinions or experience people have had on this practice, thanks!
Hi mvanwage,

I think that would depend on your situation. If you work for or are part of an organization which has standards for/against recording partial completes, then I'd follow those standards. If key survey questions are asked after the NPS question, then recording partial completes may skew your data or make analysis difficult. If there are no set standards and the NPS question can stand on its own, then in the end it's up to you.

Personally, I don't use partial completes. I've found that responses from partial completes are generally of lower quality (speeding, short open ends, etc.). However, if you need a set number of responses or are working with a tight deadline then it may be worth accepting lower quality responses.

Hope that helps!


Elliot V.W.
Thanks Elliot, that's very helpful!

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