Is it possible have back button send participant back 2 pages? | XM Community
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Hi! I have a question that is hidden and has page breaks on both ends, like so:
Question 1
Page break 1
Question 2 (Hidden using code below)
Page break 2
Question 3

This works great when you are moving forward through the survey. However, if you want to move backward, from Question 3 to Question 1, you're not able to. You end up going back to Question 2 which automatically sends you forward to Question 3. Is there any way for respondents to be able to go back from Question 3 to Question 1 if they want? For example, can the back button send a participant back 2 pages, instead of just one? (Note: The JS below is copied from various searches. I don't know JS yet.) Thanks!!!!

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function() {

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {

Add this to the top (outside all the Qualtrics....) of your JS in the first question.

var double_back;

Change the onReady method of the second question to this:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
if (double_back) {
double_back = 0;
} else {

jQuery("#Wrapper").css("visibility", "hidden");
Add this to your third question JS:
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
jQuery("#PreviousButton").click(function () {
double_back = 1;

That worked perfectly. Thanks so much!!!!

So what I am reading here is that to enable a participant to even go back one question requires changing the code. Is that correct? That is, for non-programmers there is no way you can go back to see a previous answer even if it was the one before, unless it is on the same page where you can scroll. Would the solution for non-programmers be to remove all page breaks?

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