Is it possible to combine two conditions in Loop & Merge? | XM Community
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Hi everyone,

I am a newbie and this is my first post in this community. So, nice to be here. :-)

There is the following szenario in your questionnaire: We use the Loop & Merge function. But the related question is a matrix question, and i would like to use the first two options for the filter and not only the first option or the second option. The question is about the usage of various websites and I would like to put all websites into the Loop & Merge function, that are used occasionally oder frequently. By now I only can use all websites used frequently as a filter criteria. Or all websites used occasionally.

Does anyone have an idea?

Thanks in advance!

I might be having a hard time visualizing your question... so please feel free to correct me if I'm off base (better yet- post a screen shot of what you're trying to do):

But it sounds like you want to do loop and merge but add display conditions for those types of websites based on other question responses:

Alternatively, you could avoid use of the loop and merge all together, and just carry forward selected answers multiple times:
Oh, sorry for the misleading question. Please find attached some screenshots.


So every website, selcected "nutze ich häufig" and "nutze ich gelegentlich" should be considered for Loop & Merge. In this example it would be idealo, ebay and amazon.

Then, in the second part, one of these three websites should be chosen by random for the next question (in this example it is idealo):


Of course, if there is a way to do this without Loop & Merge it, would be fine.

Thanks 🙂
Not misleading at all! Just a little hard to visualize 🙂 Thank you for the additional clarification.

I think your best bet is going to be the Carry Forward Choices option. It will get a little repetitive; you're going to need to make a unique block for every website that only displays with the Survey Flow Branch Logic "if selected as occasionally".

Cary forward logic also works great with Advanced Randomization, which will help you accomplish your second task easily!

TBH I personally like this method better than Loop and Merge. Loop and merge saves you time _creating_ the survey. But if they are separate it becomes easier to read the analysis! Otherwise the columns in exported data files read "loop 1" "loop 2" "loop 3".... if you make the blocks yourself, they are named as you name them, keeping the cross-referencing to a minimum.
Thanks a lot, Kate.

I will give this a try.



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