Is it possible to download personal opt-out links? | XM Community
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Hello! We want to administer a survey through an external mailer and use personal links. Is it possible to get personal opt-out links assigned to those people as well, so we could mail merge those in the same invitation email? Or is this only a function of the Qualtircs mailer? Thanks!
You can go around that and create a semi-questionnaire with only text question "You have been unsubscribed" and a short timer for auto-advance or a question asking if they are sure they want to subscribe. Add a trigger to unsubscribe the contact from the list (i assume you have all this contacts in the same list in order to generate links). In this case you will need to pipe the recipient's email address as an embedded data into this survey's link via query string and use it as the information for the trigger setup.
Hello @TAC10 ,

Get your data center id by following this page

Here's the format of the opt out link from a mailing list:


Here's the format of the opt out link from directory:

` https://YOUR_DATA_CENTER_ID/CP/Register.php?OptOut=dir&RID=<CONTACT_LOOK_UP_ID>&LID=<USER_ID>`

Replace the `YOUR_DATA_CENTER_ID`, `<CONTACT_LOOK_UP_ID>`, `<USER_ID>` with your respective information
Thank you both! Will try.

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