Is it possible to send the reminder message only to a portion of the contact list? | XM Community
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Good morning, I come to you because I have a question about the distribution of a survey.

The question is related to the "reminder message" that can be sent to the unfinished respondents of a questionnaire (distributed via email directly composed in Qualtrics, through a list inserted in the contacts). In this regard, I would like to know if it would be possible to send two different e-mails based on the percentage of completion of the questionnaire (one for those who are at 0% and one for those who have partially completed the questionnaire).

Is it possible to send a reminder e-mail only to some of the contacts already reached with the distribution e-mail and not to everyone?

Moreover I have a question about the distribution of the questionnaire by e-mail: is it somehow possible to view and download the links automatically created and sent to individual e-mail addresses by Qualtrics during the distribution?

Thank you in advance for the answers,

Reminder set across actual invitation email will be automatically send to all not completed records. To overcome this you have to set reminder as a seperate email and making new distribution list with records that you want to send reminders.

To check distribution you can download the distribution history across your invitation.
@Claudi_DT4B, Yes though this is tricky. Below are the steps you need to follow:

1. Download your mailing list from contacts.

2. Change subscription stats for those you want to send specific reminder to 0 and others as 1. 3. Upload the contacts again and then send reminder.

4. This will only to go the ones who are subscribed by you manually now.

For other question, this is feasible using personal links. Please refer the link below for more details: Hope this helps.

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