Is there a list of built-in field codes? | XM Community
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I use piped text often in my surveys and related messages. I would like to know if there are fields that are less obvious but might be useful in some way.

For example, I know about anything accessible from the piped text menu when editing questions and triggered email. But I wonder about other universal fields or codes like "Q_R" and "Q_R_DEL" that are used in retake links?

Are there a codes that refer to things like the Project Name, last modified date, or other metadata around a particular project? I can imagine having end of survey elements or other library items built to be used on multiple projects, but they would need to be able to connect to data in each project.
Hi @markmeadows

As you said there are many embedded data fields which are built in

Most of them are listed here - #BuiltinEmbeddedData

but there are some others like you mentioned Q_R_DEL which is used in retake survey link which are not mentioned , embedded data like this are not listed and discovered while you are understanding the working of some features of qualtrics.

Hope this Helps
Thanks NiC, that's helpful, but it would be even better if qualtrics published a complete list.
Also wondering for "Q_R_DEL" the only advice I have seen is to give it a value of 1. Are there other values it can have that create different behaviors?
> @markmeadows said:

> Also wondering for "Q_R_DEL" the only advice I have seen is to give it a value of 1. Are there other values it can have that create different behaviors?

I don't believe so, but you could ask Qualtrics Support.

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