Is there a way to export a list of surveys to Excel? | XM Community
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We have a shared Qualtrics account with hundreds of surveys. Most are owned by the shared account, while some others have been collaborated by other accounts. I am not a brand administrator. I would like to export a list of all the surveys owned and collaborated with this shared account so I can assess our surveying activities. Ideally, this export would come with more data than just the survey titles (e.g., creation date, last modified), but the titles would be a great start! At this point, I am prepared to just copy and paste...

This functionality is not currently available, even under an administrator account.

If you ask Qualtrics Support directly they may be able to provide what you need.

Might be a good to recommend this functionality under Product Ideas.

I would like to see this functionality as well. We have approximately 100 surveys/exams and they are grouped into folders. It would be fantastic to be able to export an all inclusive list so we can use it as a checklist, for review, or even simply for tracking/awareness. It is very cumbersome to have to dive into each folder to list surveys/exams only to print as PDF, copy to word, then paste in excel. I am not willing to put them in all in a root folder because the organization would be chaos. Please enable this functionality to export a list of all projects.

Hi there, if you go to Account Settings and then Qualtrics IDs, you will be able to see a list of all surveys owned by and collaborated with the user which can then be copied into Excel. Clicking into each of the survey's from this view will bring up all the questions contained in that survey. This survey list could be checked against a brand administrator survey export to see which ones are owned by the user or not and bring in Created Date, but I think including Last Modified Date and Folder information in any kind of export would still be a Product Idea.

You can use this API to list as well
Hope it helps!

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