Is there a way to "loop + merge" a unique number of times for each answer option for one question? | XM Community
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Hi all, I'm new to qualtrics and am having trouble with this question. I've tried to read around and am not sure if it's possible, but I'm so new to this that I wanted to ask to make sure I'm not missing an obvious solution! Details below:

I'm creating a survey that is asking a bunch of questions about side-effects for multiple medications. The way I have it set up currently is in 2 separate blocks.

Block 1 - A question where you select all the medications that you want to complete the survey for (a multiple choice question with multiple answers allowed, so you can select "Drug1," "Drug2," "Drug5," etc.)

Block 2 - A loop and merge block which asks all side-effect related questions for each drug selected in the previous block (this block is pretty extensive)

The problem I'm running into is the scenario when someone will need to complete this survey for the same drug, but at different dosages. For example, if someone took Drug1 at 5 mg and then later took Drug1 at 2.5 mg, we would want them to complete Block 2 twice, once for each dosage of Drug1, so we could capture the specific side effects experienced at each dose.

Is there a way to have Block 2 triggered a unique number of times for each answer option in Block 1? Meaning if there was someone who had taken both Drug1 (at 2 different doses, 2.5 mg and 5 mg) and Drug2 (at 1 dose only), could I have Block 2 triggered twice for Drug1 and only once for Drug2? I've tried changing Block 1 to a "Text Entry - Form" type question so you could insert "1," "2," "3," etc for the number of dosage regimens for each drug, but it doesn't seem like that numerical entry can effect the number of loop and merge cycles when there are multiple numerical entry options for one question (seems like that would only work if there was a single entry text field).

Right now, the only solution I can think of is to have all the dosage options for each drug available as multiple choice options in Block 1 (so instead of just having "Drug1" as the only option, having "Drug1 - 5 mg" and "Drug1 - 2.5 mg" as separate options), but this could make that question pretty intimidating as there are many drugs with many different dosage options. It seems like it would be much more straightforward to have the person select all the drugs in Block 1, and then enter the dosage in Block 2, but again, I can't seem to find a way to do this.

This was very long and drawn out and likely made very little sense, but I would appreciate any and all help! Thanks so much!
The different drug/dosage combinations have to be separate choices in your Block 1 question. It might help to create a Choice Group for each drug that has multiple dosages, but that is just a readability thing.
Thank you for the help!

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