Is there a way to trigger email/SMS alerts when the NPS reaches a certain threshold? | XM Community
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Our organization management is keen for an alert when the NPS level reach a certain level. Is there a way to trigger an email or SMS to a group when this happens?
Within your survey, go to Tools > Triggers > Email Triggers. Here you can set up the criteria for sending an email to an individual (or set of individuals) when an indiviudal NPS question scores low. This is done on each individual survey response.

Qualtrics documentation found here: (

If you are asking if an email or trigger can be sent when your global or system NPS score falls below a certain threshold, I don't believe this functionality currently exists. However, if you have access to Qualtrics Dashboards (or any dashboard), your organization management should get into the habit of regularly checking this metric - rather than wait for it to slip below a threshold. What I've described above with email triggers is more proactive (individual interventions) rather than reactive (alerts at some threshold).

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