Issue Sharing Participant IDs between Qualtrics and Inquisit | XM Community
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I am building a survey that needs to go from Qualtrics to an Inquisit Web task and then back to Qualtrics, but I am having issues with the "subject ID" transferring from Qualtrics to Inquisit. I have followed the instructions about how to share IDs between Qualtrics and Inquisit on Millisecond's website here:

On Qualtrics, I created an Embedded Data element in Survey Flow called "subjectid" by using the piped text feature to generate a random number. Then, in Survey Options, I selected the Redirect to URL option and pasted the Inquisit task launch page URL and followed it with "?subjectid=${e://Field/subjectid}"

On Inquisit, I changed how participant ID numbers should be generated to URL Parameter and called the parameter "subjectid"

When I test the survey, I am redirected to the Inquisit launch page but there is no "?subjectid=" at the end of the URL and I receive the message "Failed to get subject id. The URL has no parameters."

The random number generator seems to work in Qualtrics because a column for that variable and random numbers appear in the data file, and the Inquisit piece also seems to work alone because the URL ends in "?subjectid=1" if I go to the launch page directly through Inquisit, so it seems like there is something about the sharing across the sites that is a problem but I cannot figure out the issue. I have looked through the message boards and support files on Qualtrics and Inquisit and I cannot resolve the issue.

I also have checked with Inquisit and they let me know that the issue is on the Qualtrics side, because it seems like an issue with adding the parameter and including it when redirecting to Inquisit.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
What does the Inquisite url look like? If it already has parameters (already has a ? in it), then you would add subjectid with an & instead of a ?.
Hi Tom, thanks. I did check that in my attempts to resolve the issue and there is no ? in the URL (I even tried changing the ? to & anyway to see if that worked, but it did not).
Have you double checked for typos between all of the locations where you are referencing the variable name? There doesn't happen to be a space in your URL that would prevent your variable from reading in? Can you double check that maybe it's just the redirect that is misfiring (e.g., take your link in the redirect and copy and paste it into a trigger email that will send to you then fill out a survey preview)? That might give you a better idea of it is working at all or if the structure is the problem or if the variable isn't passing through.
Thanks for the suggestions! I double checked for typos across the locations and there are no spaces in the URL. Per your suggestion, I copied the redirect link into an email, sent it to myself, and clicked on that and the link worked; I did not receive the message about failing to to get the subject id because the URL had no parameters. So, everything seems to be working on all ends, the variable just do not seem to be passing from Qualtrics to Inquisit.
Perhaps some last ditch efforts into tricking the systems since there is no obvious error:

* If you are using Survey Options to set your redirect, (1) change that back to the default, (2) go into Survey Flow and set an End of Survey element, (3) customize it and copy and paste the URL that came through in your trigger

* Copy your project and see if it happens to work out in a new instance

Beyond that I am out of ideas since you have confirmed that the URL is built correctly to pass the information through.
This fix worked! The IDs are transferring across the platforms. Thank you SO much for your help!
@ashleym fantastic news!

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