Issue with Q_PopulateResponse URL parameter encoding; is this a Qualtrics issue or email clients'? | XM Community
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I'm having a frustrating problem that I'm not even sure is Qualtrics' "fault".

I'm trying to link to a URL like the following one from a message in my CRM (note that this isn't being sent through Qualtrics email distributions or via the SalesForce integration):{%22QID1%22:%221%22}

This seems to be no issue for my CRM, and the "preview" message looks good; however, when I actually send the message and view it in my e-mail client (indeed, in several), the URL is changed so that the %22's are changed to the HTML character entity " like so:


This is a problem, as it causes Qualtrics to fail to register the URL parameters, and so the question isn't pre-populated.

Is this a Qualtrics issue, or an e-mail client issue (or maybe an issue with my CRM)? I find that it's consistent across several different e-mail providers and clients, for what it's worth. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hello @brendontroy ,

If we go to both the URL parameters mentioned above in the question, the survey question does get pre-populated.
@Shashi thanks for the reply; this demonstrates how tricky URL encoding can be! I linked to the URL below, but it seems the forum software "corrected" it. I've updated my post and added the actual incorrect link below, as well; both can be copied and pasted. Thanks again for replying, and let me know if you have any suggestions.

Hello @brendontroy ,

Don't paste the URL instead try adding anchor html tag(`<a>`) and put the URL in the href attribute of the anchor tag. as -

`To Take survey click <a href='{"QID1":"1"}' target='_blank'>here</a>`

o/p: To Take survey click <a href='{"QID1":"1"}' target='_blank'>here</a>

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