Language of Export in SPSS | XM Community

Language of Export in SPSS

  • 22 July 2020
  • 3 replies

I have made a survey in German with an English translation, participants were able to choose between those two languages.
I have exported the data to SPSS and want to analyze the data in English; however, everything is displayed in German.
Can you help me with that? Thank you!
Best wishes,


Best answer by ChristianB 23 September 2020, 18:28

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3 replies


Hi GlockiGlocksen!
We are currently only able to export a survey in the language it was created in, which is labelled under the Survey Experience section of the Survey Options. This is the default language for the survey so all exports would be done in this language.
If you'd like to see a functionality added in the future to allow for multiple export languages, I'd recommend submitting a Product Idea for it! :)

Has there been any update about this issue?
How to download SPSS data in a different translated language? Example, my survey was programmed in English, and the French text was later added in the 'translation' section. How can I download the 'FRENCH' SPSS (.sav) data file?
I can download English SPSS (.sav) file without any problem.

Thank you.

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It will be great if Qualtrics can do this.

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