Library for Embedded Data Elements? | XM Community
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I have a set of embedded data elements that I need to insure are present in all surveys authored in my company.

Is there a library for such a thing, or do I have to create a survey (embedded data elements in the survey flow) and save that to a survey library?

Is there another way to do this - I'm a newbie?
The best way to do this is to setup a survey that just captures these pieces of embedded data and does nothing else. Then, save that survey to your library. Then, in survey flow, you can add a reference survey element that references your library survey. This can be included easily and quickly!
@AnthonyR has the most efficient way of going about things, but you could also design a base survey template that includes these variables in the survey flow and anything else you might want, then copy that survey for every new project.
One thing I've done, to ensure that there are no edits, is create a block with those embedded fields, and then password protect/lock that block, and then you can (as mentioned above) save it to the library and bring it into your reports.

It's another way to skin the cat.

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