Link to another survey from one survey | XM Community
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I have two surveys - Survey 1 and Survey 2.
Survey 1 will be an open survey which can be filled by anyone. In Survey 1, in the end - the user will enter his or her email credentials.
Once the user enters his email credentials, he should be able to see a personalised link for himself for Survey 2 with the message displayed - here is your personalised link. Click on the link to start the survey.

How do I achieve it ?

Method 1: Add a contact list trigger in the survey 1. In the end of survey 1 show them the anonymous link of survey 2. In survey 2 add a confirm email address question, and an authenticator in survey flow on the same contact list of survey 1 after email address question. If authenticated then continue else do EOS.

Method 2:  In the first survey before end of survey use two API

  1. - This will create a contact in our mailing list and return contact ID which will be used in second API

  2. - (Obviously, we will put our actual survey's survey ID for distribution)

Ask the respondent to check email address for second survey.

I did a similar thing as well.
Once the user enters his email id in Survey 1, I trigerred a contact list tirgger where the email id is added.
Then, I added a task where if email id is not empty then mail the individual a personalised link

Just wanted to check that in Method 1 - I would still be able to track the responses basis the email ids and reach out to them and they won't be allowed to take the survey again?

I want to do something like this too!
Only difference is, I'd like to make the second questionnaire available to people who did/did not give certain answers in the 1st questionnaire. How do you do this?

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