Live Polling / Halt progression until condition is met | XM Community
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I have a usecase that involves polling an audience during a speech and showing the results live in the presentation. At the moment, the solution I found was to create separate surveys for each question and put the corresponding QR codes in the presentation, so the audience gets 1 question at a time.

For certain respondants, though, it'd be easier to jam all the questions in a single survey, and halt progression until some condition is met (like, say, X minutes have passed), or autoadvance to the correct question. As I'm writing this it sounds very overly complicated, but is halting progression a feature in Qualtrics? Does anyone have a different experience/suggestion for conducting live polls with Qualtrics?
Hello @MatheusL The QR idea is a good one, the only solution that I can think about to have just one survey is to create some questions with validation. I mean, I am a person from the audience and I answer the first question, after that question I will see another question (Entry text question) that you can set with some validation and in your presentation you can show the code that the person must enter to continue instead of showing the QR.
Could you use the "Timer" question? It has an option "Enable submit after (seconds)" so you could ask your first question, then add a descriptive text saying "please wait" and add an enable submit after x seconds, then they must wait at least x seconds and you have time to show your results?

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