Longitudial oberservational research survey | XM Community
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I have created Survey A Baseline and Survey B follow that patients with low back pain will fill in Survey A at treatment 1 then Survey B will be filled out at 2, 6 weeks, 3,6,9,12 months. I also have Survey C, Survey D, Survey E for the practitioners. Survey C will be a one time fill in but Survey D will be filled in at the patients 1s, 2nd, 3rd and 4th visits and Survey E at the end of 12 months. I would like to tie all of this together or automate as much as I can. I believe Survey A and B can be done via creating a contact list then embeding and email then setting a trigger to email at the specified times but not sure how to deal with keeping the practitioners data with the patients data? thanks for any help.
One thing you could do is use an authenticator on the practitioner surveys (C,D,E) and have the physicians authenticate using a patient id. That would allow you to pre-populate and update patient data from the physician surveys.

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