Loop over Loop-and-Merge? | XM Community
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Hey there,

If you have 10 options (say products) and you want respondents to

* pick 1/10

* answer a question about what they picked

* pick 1/9

* answer a question about what they picked

* pick 1/8

* answer a question about what they picked

* .

* .

* .

* pick 1/1

* answer a question about what they picked

How would you achieve this?

I can achieve the first two steps (pick 1 of 10 -> answer a follow up question) with a loop and merge. But how to loop over loop and merges?

Thanks a lot,


Use loop and merge and apply randomizer. With loop and merge it automatically pick items one by one and will not repeat. So first time it is 1/10, 2nd item will be from remaining 9 and so on.
HI! Thank you for the swift reply. Let me clarify: Participants themselves should pick option 1/10 and answer the follow-up question about it, then they should pick option 2/9 and answer the same follow-up question, etc. etc. I suspect the randomizer won't do this.
You can do this by below solutions:

Without loop

Ask single select question with 10 options and in basis of selection ask block for that selection. Ask single select question now with left over 9 options and so on. In this case you have to copy your block 10 times if they have similar question for each item.

Loop merge solution

Ask rating question to rate them 10 items and that store there labels in ranking order in embedded variables using java script and than use these texts in ranked order in loop and merge.
I feared I had to copy the question, will do, thank you.

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