Manually randomizing questions | XM Community
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I know that Qualtrics supports question randomization but is there a way to randomize the order of questions manually? I am want to randomize a specific order of questions for e.g. I want to randomize this set: [(Q1, Q2), (Q3,Q4), (Q5,Q6)]. So after randomizing the questions could appear as: [(Q3,Q4), (Q1,Q2), (Q5,Q6)] i.e. the inner order of subsets do not change.
Use Advanced Randomization and use the up/down arrows to move the questions into the desired order.
@TomG doesn't the randomization, randomly selects any question ? I want to have a fixed order which needs to be randomized i.e. if q3 randomly selected, then q4 absolutely needs to appear. Randomizer is not allowing me to have a certain order.
No, like I said, under Advanced Randomization use the up/down arrows to put them in the desired fixed order, then click Save:


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