Math Operations: How to calculate total sum of points and then multiple by 100 | XM Community
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So far, I have this in the embedded Data "$e{gr://SC_eS6nERLWXok7Uxv/Score*100}". I have 4 questions each with 5 option choices. Option 5 is 5 points all the way down to Option 1 pooint. I want the scoring to add all of the points from the selected choices and then multiple by 100 to achieve a result.

This is the score formulaI have in embedded data in survey flow: $e{gr://SC_eS6nERLWXok7Uxv/Score*100}
I'm not sure why this isn't working in the survey flow embedded data. But since this a simple calculation you might try changing your score for each of the questions. Instead of it being 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 change it to 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 for each of the punches. Your score will then already be multiplied by 100 rather than doing a calculation later.
You need spaces between operatives.

It should be:

$e{gr://SC_eS6nERLWXok7Uxv/Score * 100}
Also, if that still doesn't work, set the score as an embedded data field and then do the math operation in a separate embedded data field. Note, it will need to be in a new embedded data element block under the score intake block.

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