Matrix table on several screens | XM Community
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I want to create a matrix table with 15 items, which appear in random order.

However, as it is too long for one screen I want to spread it over 3 screens (with 5 items in each).

Is there a way to do it for a single matrix table?

If not, and I need to create 3 separate matrix questions, can I condition that the items that appear on the following screens (2 & 3), did not appear on the previous screens (1 & 2)?

Thank you!
Hello @ClaraT I think that the best way to do it is to create a block with 3 matrix questions, each one with 5 items and randomize the items for each matrix and after that randomize the order of the questions in the block, in that way you will be sure that the items on screen 1 ,2 and 3 will be randomized and that items in each screen will not present in other screens.

Hope this works!

You can do this with a combination of Advanced Randomization and Carry Forward. In your first question include all 15 rows and use Advanced Randomization to randomly display 5. Then carry forward the non-displayed items to the next question. Again randomly display 5 and carry forward the non-displayed items to the third question.
@TomG Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was looking for.

@IsabelPosada thank you too, this was actually what I did in the first place but I was looking for a more elegant solution like the one @TomG suggested.
@TomG Hi Tom! I just wanted to ask you which woukd be the best way to show this kind of question in the dashboard in just one widget the count for each row?
> @IsabelPosada said:

> @TomG Hi Tom! I just wanted to ask you which woukd be the best way to show this kind of question in the dashboard in just one widget the count for each row?

I don't use Qualtrics dashboards, but you can concatenate the piped answers for each row from the three questions. Since there is only one answer for each row among the questions, you'll have one answer per row. You can do that to set embedded variables or use in the JS of a matrix question where you use the answers to pre-populate the matrix, then hide the question.
Thanks @TomG !!! 😎 TomG ,
I am trying to do this (except I have 20 statements and want to split up into 4 matrix questions), but I am getting repeated statements in the subsequent questions.
Below is the Advanced Randomization for all four matrix questions. The "Random Subset" box contains all 20 statements.
Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 00.32.40.pngMatrix question 1 looks like below:
Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 00.45.23.pngMatrix questions 2, 3, and 4 look like below:
Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 00.45.46.png
When I do the Preview, these are the four matrices I got...
Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 01.00.19.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-29 at 01.00.31.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-29 at 01.00.39.pngScreen Shot 2020-09-29 at 01.00.47.pngIn this instance, I got 4 duplicates: relaxed, dominant, untidy, provocative.
I think I am getting duplicates because I am selecting "Not Displayed Statements" from always the same previous question (i.e. matrix question 1), but I don't see a way to select all previous questions...
Can you please elaborate on how to do this without getting duplicates?
Thank you sooo much in advance!

All the questions need to be on separate pages and you need to display the undisplayed questions from the previous questions: Q2 undisplayed from Q1, Q3 undisplayed from Q2, Q4 undisplayed from Q3.

These two changes seems to do the trick, as long as I don't use the Back Button. I ran the survey a few times using the Back Button. Two times I got duplicates...
Can I not have the Back Button enabled when doing randomization of options across various pages? I wish I could...
If the answer is "no, I cannot have the Back Button enabled (because you get duplicates)", please ignore the rest of my message.
If the answer is "yes, you should be able to have the Back Button enabled (and not get duplicates)", please read on.
The text boxes (from left to right) in the spreadsheet below show the steps I followed that yielded duplicate options...
Screen Shot 2020-10-08 at 15.29.08.pngPICTURE ONE: Q3 before hitting Back Button
PICTURE TWO: Q3 after hitting Back Button, and Forward Button (from Q2)
If I should should be able to have the Back Button enabled when doing randomization of options across pages (and not have duplicates), what could I be doing wrong?
I wish I could have the Back Button enabled without getting duplicate options in the matrices...
Thanks in advance!! simplest solution is to use JS to hide the previous button on the pages with carry forward. you for the suggestion. But I would actually like to have the Back Button enabled specifically in the pages that have Carry Forward so that participants can revise their answers in the matrix if they need to...
I was hoping that on pages that use Carry Forward and Randomization that all the pages would somehow be laid out right when the survey is opened and not change even if the participant moves back and forth through the pages (with the Back Button and Forward Button)... but it seems this is not possible...?
So then, is it not possible to have the Back Button enabled on pages that have Carry Forward because it would mess up the Randomization of statements? potential solutions that will involve more work to set up:

  1. I haven't tried this, but I'm pretty sure it would probably work. Instead of carryforward use display logic on each of your statements to make sure they haven't been displayed in the previous questions and use advanced randomization to show the desired number of statements in each question (except the last question where only the un-displayed statements will show anyway).

  2. I haven't tried this either, but I know it would work. Use a webservice or JavaScript to assign embedded variables specifying which question each statement should randomly be displayed in (e.g., 'statement1' would be assigned a value of 1, 2, 3, or 4, and so forth) then use those embedded variables in statement display logic on each question. Tom, thank you for the suggestions! I actually ran out of time and needed to send out the survey. So I didn't get a chance to try these out, and sent out the survey without the Back Button. However, I think your suggestions might be useful for others in the future, so thank you.

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