Merging data from qualtrics and paper surveys | XM Community
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I conducted a survey using qualtrics platform as well as manual paper surveys. I now want to analyze the entire data together. How can I merge my paper survey data with the qualtrics data. Do I need to enter all the paper survey data one by one on the qualtrics survey link that I shared for data collection? Is there some easier option?

Thanks in advance!
Create the qualtrics survey to mimic the paper survey, and then use the import option to upload all the responses that you have coded in from a spreadhseet.

I would enter _one_ via the survey link, then export it to add/code the reamining responses. That will make your import process easy-peasy.
First - it is assumed that the paper surveys have already been transcribed to a spreadsheet. I have a hunch that this hasn't happened yet. So - unless you used a paper form that is extremely well formatted and the responses very very rigidly marked down, the only way to get them into a spreadsheet is to transcribe the contents anyway. You might as well enter them into the survey as it is.
Yes, you are right. I haven't transcribed it to a spreadsheet. I was wondering whether to transcribe the responses to a spreadsheet and then import it to qualtrics or to enter the responses from paper questionnaire directly on the qualtrics survey link, just like a respondent of my survey. It now seems to me that entering the data through the qualtrics survey link should be easier.

Thanks a lot for your response.

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