Missing contacts when creating Contact List | XM Community
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I'm trying to create a new Contact List from a CSV file of 400.000 contacts. When I upload it and enter the contact list, in the bottom it says the list has only 339.788 contacts. There are many repeated emails, but I checked manually and there are 388.363 unique emails, so even if qualtrics if consolidating them automatically, there are still 48575 missing contacts. Does anyone know what are the possible reasons for these behaviour?

Check if you have trimmed emails while uploading. Also it happens due to invalid emails.
Even if the emails are duplicates these get uploaded in target audience . The reason it is happening may be invalid emails or the trimming not done.

When you upload you get option to view result. Checking this you can know which emails got declined.
Please refer to this documentation, just to make sure the content in each field is appropriate.

Apparently there were some invalid emails that finished with a dot, or didn't end in '.com', etc. and Qualtrics was automatically ignoring them, but because it didn't show me any warning message I didn't know what was going on.
You can check this by view result only.
Hey @fstram! If you have not yet already, I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team so they can further troubleshoot and escalate if needed!

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