Mixture of dropdowns and text/number entry | XM Community
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Hi all!

I'm trying to create a question which will allow respondents to select one option from a list of locations, and then enter a number next to this location (how many things took place in this location). Image below for illustration purposes.

Is there a way of blending two question types to make this possible?

Any advice much appreciated!

Use a Side-by-Side question. Configure the first question as a drop down and the second as open ended text.
Thanks @TomG

My list of locations is very long. Is there a faster way to import the drop-down list than just typing it out?

I've seen this for the drill-down question, but not for side-by-side.
In side by side I think it is not possible you have to manually enter. Yeah but for simple dril down you can upload csv
> @LaurenTaylor said:

> Thanks @TomG


> My list of locations is very long. Is there a faster way to import the drop-down list than just typing it out?


> I've seen this for the drill-down question, but not for side-by-side.

Yes, create a list of your locations in a text file with each choice on its own line. Temporarily set the first column of the Side-by-side from Dropdown to Single Answer. Remove all the answers except the first one. Then copy the entire list from your text file and paste it into the first answer in your side-by-side. Then switch it back to dropdown.

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