Mobile version missing questions | XM Community
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I've created a survey which looks good for me on the PC however when using the mobile version some questions seemse to be invisible. You can still answer them but there is no actual question. Any idea on how to fix that?



Edit1: Its is now not only mobile version but the questionnaire in general. There is no display logic anywhere that could affect them. !
What's strange is that the first one is visible, but the others aren't. Maybe an html tag in the first choice label isn't closed?

Had the first one been invisible too, I would have guessed a CSS style that applies to mobile as the culprit. You can try highlighting the area where the text should be to see if the text is really there or not.

Finally, you can do further troubleshooting by right clicking on an empty box, and choosing Inspect.
So i tried highlighting it, changing fonts and sizes. I also looked if there is any difference between those invisible and visible but cant see anything.

All matrixes seemse to have the same problem. Show the first question, sometimes half of the question somewhere in the middle and than the last or last two questions. The rest is not visible.

Any other ideas? I really dont want to be doing a brand new questionnaire...
> @Vic said:

> So i tried highlighting it, changing fonts and sizes. I also looked if there is any difference between those invisible and visible but cant see anything.


> All matrixes seemse to have the same problem. Show the first question, sometimes half of the question somewhere in the middle and than the last or last two questions. The rest is not visible.


> Any other ideas? I really dont want to be doing a brand new questionnaire...

@Vic - Post a preview link to a block with just a matrix question in it (click on View Block to get the url).
Ive redone the questions and it seems to fixed the issue.

Still was very confusing...

Thanks for the help

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