More participants than allocated counts | XM Community
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I am using a randomiser with counts to assign participants to different blocks. Say i allocate the counts as 10 for one block, 10 for another block and 20 for a final block. If a 41st person were to take my survey, would they a) not see any of the randomised content or b) be randomly allocated to one of the blocks?

Hi zoe_p! It sounds like you are using the Evenly Presents feature. If so, check out the example found on this support page - the 41st person who takes your survey will randomly be presented one of the blocks.
Example: You have Evenly Present Elements selected. You have been randomly assigning respondents 1 of 3 blocks for about a week. 15 people have responded, meaning each block was presented 5 times. You decide to add a new, fourth block. The fourth block may appear 5 times in a row to equalize it with the other blocks. After this, the assignment will be random again.

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